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Huisartsen Heemstedestraat
Heemstedestraat 46hs 1058 NN

Driving licence medicals

If you need a Statement of Health for obtaining or renewing your driving license, you can book an appointment for a medical review through our medical assistant.

A medical review consists of a single consultation with the doctor and includes a medical questionnaire and examination and eyesight test. If you pass the test, the doctor will provide you with a Statement of Health.

The cost for the medical review is 70 euros (payable in cash, no PIN or card transactions).

Please note that we cannot conduct medical reviews for our own patients. If you are registered with our practice, you will need to contact a different practice or a medical examiner for your medical review.

As general practitioners, we are licensed to conduct medical reviews for driving licenses for cars and motorcycles, with or without a trailer (licenses A and B, with our without E). Medical reviews for driving licenses for trucks and buses (C and D) can only be carried out by an occupational health physician (Dutch ARBO).

For more information on statements of health for driving licenses, visit the RDW website.