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Huisartsen Heemstedestraat
Heemstedestraat 46hs 1058 NN


Are you unhappy with our services? Discuss your complaints with your doctor.

If you are not happy with any aspect of the care that you have received in our practice, we encourage you to complain so that we can investigate the matter and take steps to put it right. We take all complaints seriously and we try to learn from any complaints so we can improve our service.

If you find it difficult to discuss your complaint with us, or if we fail to come to an agreement on your complaint, you can discuss your complaint with an independent and impartial complaints officer. The complaints officer will work with you to try and find a solution for your complaint or problem. The complaints officer can also try to mediate your complaint. The complaints officer is independent and does not choose sides. Everything you tell the complaints officer is confidential.

To file a complaint with the complaints officer, you can use the complaints form on the SKGE website (in Dutch only). If you need to speak to the complaints officer in person, you can call 088-0229190.

If talking to your doctor or the complaints officer does not solve your problem, you can ask the disputes settlement commission for GP care (Stichting Klachten & Geschillen Eerstelijnszorg) to rule on your complaint. This independent commission consists of a chairperson (a judge or former judge), and a number of members on behalf of patients and on behalf of GP’s. The commission is assisted by a secretary (who is also a lawyer).

All rulings by the disputes settlement commission are binding.

For more information refer to the brochure in our waiting room or to the website of the Stichting Klachten & Geschillen Eerstelijnszorg (in Dutch only).